Impact on understanding consumer decision-making through brain imaging
S Dinesh Kumar and M Monisha
Both marketing and neuroscience have focused very much on understanding consumer decision-making. With recent advances in imaging techniques, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), researchers have been able to tap further into how consumers really process information to make a purchase. These techniques go beyond surveys and focus groups; these would yield real-time data on what goes on in the brain in making a decision. This paper discusses the ability of brain imaging technologies to identify interactions between emotional and cognitive processes in consumer choice decisions. Some central brain regions, including the PFC, which is responsible for rational, logical decision-making, and the amgydala, which is essential for responses to emotion, have been found in various studies to be more generally tied to both rational analysis and emotional influences when evaluating products or services. Besides, such research also makes available discussions by the researcher that relate to the implications of findings from such studies on marketing strategies. Factors inducing positive neural responses could be used as better grounds for advertisers and marketers to modify advertising and products to suit such consumers on a more profound neurological basis.
S Dinesh Kumar, M Monisha. Impact on understanding consumer decision-making through brain imaging. Int J Foreign Trade Int Bus 2024;6(2):142-147. DOI: 10.33545/26633140.2024.v6.i2b.128