Analysis of assets and liabilities of selected it companies of India
Vasani Sureshbhai Vithalbhai
To know the financial performance of the IT sector is very important nowadays. The main aim of the study is to know the financial performance of selected IT companies in India. The companies have been selected based on judgmental sampling method and the study period is from 2015-16 to 2019-20. The researcher has used statistical tools like t-test. The researcher has concluded from the above study the Performance of Capital work in progress in Tata constantly decreased during the study period. But in Wipro, it was increased in the same way the overall performance of TCS was very good than the Wipro. It’s is also shows there is no significant difference in the means of capital-work-in-progress, deferred tax, stock, investment, Cash, and other CA in Wipro with TCS at a 5% level of significance, and in the case of liabilities there is a significant difference in share capital, and other current liabilities of Wipro with TCS but there is no significant difference in Differed tax, TP, and Provision at a 5% level of significant during the study period.
Vasani Sureshbhai Vithalbhai. Analysis of assets and liabilities of selected it companies of India. Int J Foreign Trade Int Bus 2021;3(2):49-51. DOI: 10.33545/26633140.2021.v3.i2a.52